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How much fat do you need a day | Facts about fat

How much fat you need in a day seems like an endless discussion: are fats good for you or not? Research has shown that fats are indeed important for our bodies.

how much fat do you need a day

For years we have been advised to avoid saturated fats. Many people switched to a low-fat diet. But in recent years, high-fat products seem to be gaining popularity again. In 2017, sales of whole milk increased by 4%, while less skimmed milk was sold. Is this a good trend?

Why are fats good for us?

Fats provide energy. Our body takes longer to process this nutrient, which also makes us feel full for longer. In addition, fats are a source of essential fatty acids that our body cannot produce themselves, but that are necessary for the proper functioning of your brain, heart and immune system. There are also a number of fat-soluble vitamins that you can only get from fats, namely vitamins A, D, E and K.

What are the risks if you don't get enough fat?

Firstly, you miss those important fat-soluble vitamins and essential fatty acids. In addition, fats also neutralize the fluctuations in your blood sugar that carbohydrates cause. The well-known highs and lows in your energy level can be prevented with this. Ingesting too few fats can also result in overeating. Healthy fats work together with the satiety hormone cholecystokinin so that your brain knows when you are full.

How much fat should you consume per day?

As with all foods, it is also important to always eat fats in moderation. With about 9 calories per gram, this source of energy is a fat maker compared to proteins and carbohydrates, which contain 4 calories per gram. According to the Nutrition Center, the minimum requirement for fat is about 20 to 40% energy. An energy percentage is a share of the number of calories that food supplies. For an average man, this is about 100 grams of fat per day, for an average Dutch woman about 80 grams per day. Try to eat mainly unsaturated fats, and the risk of cardiovascular disease drops considerably.

There are so many grams of fat in the products that may also be in your kitchen:

·        One tablespoon of butter: 11 grams
·        Half an avocado: 15 grams
·        10 almonds: 5 grams
·        28 grams of cheddar cheese: 9.3 grams

Which fats are the best to choose?

Polyunsaturated fats: nuts, seeds, sunflower oil and sesame oil.
Monounsaturated fats: olive and rapeseed oil, nuts, seeds and avocado.
Omega-3 essential fatty acids: oily fish, such as mackerel, salmon and sardines. But also rapeseed, hemp seed oil, linseed oil, pecan nuts and walnuts.

This advice is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace medical advice or medication. Please contact your general practitioner or specialist before applying the advice on this website.